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2020 You’re Toast! Toasted Marshmallow Furniture Flip

This toasted marshmallow furniture flip promotion was a Youtube collaboration with Christina Muscari from Pretty Distressed and Crys’Dawna Cusson of Bella Renovare. I didn’t realize what a learning experience the challenge would be for me!

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Toasted Marshmallow Furniture Flip

As we head into 2021, my goal for myself is to hit Youtube hard and grow my channel, in quality and subscribers.

My plan is to put out a weekly edited video to my channel that includes an in-depth teaching portion, in the 20 min range, rather than just brushing the surface of painting. I hope to reach somewhere in the middle of fast snippets from Tik Tok and hour long lives.

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I’ll still be posting my live videos as well, and when I post them to Youtube I will use different thumbnails so it’s easy to tell what type of video it is. I plan to toss in some edited technique shorts as well.

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It’s going to be a big year, full of learning for me. I’m definitely more comfortable on Facebook and Instagram, and my editing skills have come a long way already!

I didn’t realize what an adventure this challenge would be. Working alongside 2 other artists I respect so much, meant stepping up my game for a video that wouldn’t embarrass them!

Materials Mentioned:

Paint in Cotton, Burlap, Chocolate, Caviar

Iron Patina Paint and Green Activator Spray

This piece started with a mystery box from that contained Cotton, Burlap, Chocolate, Caviar, Gold Digger, Gemstone Mousse in Gold and Amber, and Iron Patina Paint. My assigned inspiration was toasted marshmallows over a flame, hence the title YOU’RE TOAST 2020!

Wanna see the piece we worked on?

Before the Toasted Marshmallow inspired furniture paint finish

In the video below, we start out by removing hardware and cleaning our piece with Dixie Belle White Lightning. I filled the hardware holes on the top drawer with Dixie Mud to replace the mismatching handles with knobs. Then, it got a base coat of Burlap

Base coat of Dixie Belle Burlap Toasted Marshmallow Furniture Flip

End of day 1

We then started our decorative finish using a cross-hatching of every color in the mystery box.

This finish has a scarier “ugly phase” than most, trust the process and move past it, knowing it pulls through in the end.

The Ugly Phase of this Toasted Marshmallow Paint Finish

The ugly phase

The final step on day 3 was to perfect this finish with a softer cross-hatching over top, using a little bit of water this time to tone this undercoat down.

Toasted Marshmallow Furniture Flip

End of day 3, MUCH better

Day 4 was dedicated to oiling the drawer boxes with furniture salve adding an Iron Patina finish to our hardware that dripped down the face.

Rusted Toasted Marshmallow Furniture Flip

The final step was to add clear coat and this furniture flip is complete!

Catch the entire toasted marshmallow furniture flip on video!

I really love the depth in this finish. This style is totally my taste, I really want to keep this for my home, and fits with our modern industrial farmhouse feel.

Don’t forget to subscribe for weekly videos in 2021!


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